What is your big story of 2024?

Christmas in in the air...

My family and I recently moved to the city, and our apartment is slowly taking on that cozy, festive glow. As we hang ornaments and string lights, I can’t help but notice the beautiful Christmas decorations all around the city as well. They’re stunning, but they’re only a hint of the true beauty of this season—the celebration of Christ.

Each morning, as I sip my coffee and watch the sun rise over the city from our east-facing window, I’m reminded of the promise in Lamentations 3:22-23: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

The light breaking over the horizon feels like a whisper from God: “I am faithful. I bring something new every day. I will provide.”

Living day by day in trust is not always easy, is it, Reader? We can’t always see the bigger picture of what God is doing. But as I take in the view from our 31st-floor apartment, I’m reminded that God is always writing a larger story—one that unfolds in His perfect timing, even when we can’t yet see the ending.

This week’s podcast episode revisits a favorite interview with Bible scholar Courtney Bailey. Together, we explore how the many books and stories of the Bible connect into one overarching story. Take a listen here!

It’s a beautiful reminder that no matter how many twists, turns, and detours our lives take, God is weaving them together into His greater purpose.

And what about your story this year? What has God written for your life in 2024? With all its highs and lows, what big themes has He been working in you?

To help you reflect, I’ve created a 2024 Reflection Challenge:

1. Write down one significant event, challenge, or blessing from each month of this year.

2. Look for recurring patterns or themes.

3. Reflect on God’s faithfulness—how have you seen Him at work?

Don't overthink it—it should take you no more than five minutes!

Reply to this email and send me your 12 reflections if you’d like help gaining clarity on what God has been doing and where He may be calling you to focus in 2025.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into your spiritual growth, I invite you to binge these similar episodes:

• Episode #5: Understanding the Bible (with Courtney Bailey)

• Episode #52: Is God Holding Back on Me?

As we step into 2025, let’s make it a year where we intentionally make way for the Lord. That means removing whatever might be in the way of God working powerfully in our hearts and lives. Build your life on the unshakable foundation of Christ, Reader.

I am here to support you—let's chat about Spiritual Growth Coaching. It's time to align your life with God’s plan.

You're seeking and God is pursuing you with His love. You're not alone. Don't let fear stand in your way—take the next step now. This is what you have been looking for your entire life. Let's prepare your heart for His transformative plans in 2025.

I am praying for you!


Alexandra ✗⚬メ𝟶

P.S. God’s mercies are new every morning—let’s step into the new year with clarity, faith, and trust in His bigger story!

NE 35th Ct, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308
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One Minute to Glory

I am a strategic creative and I partner with passionate, driven and courageous humans who fear their dreams may be too big, but long to leave a great legacy. I help them connect with themselves, their creator and the endless possibilities that are available to them when they look for what ignites, research possibilities and take faithful decisive actions.

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